About Us
The Company
Synjeco SA, a company based in the southern part of Switzerland, was established in 1941 by Mr. Hans Schneider. While Synjeco is primarily known in Switzerland as wholesaler of precious, semi-precious and synthetic stones, it has over the years equally successfully gotten involved in other activities. One of these activities is the import, export and distribution of first-class pipe tobaccos, hand and machine made tobacco pipes from a wide range of countries, and a substantial assortment of smoking accessories. All the tobacco samples your tongue can take are offered for free smoking "on-site"! Visitors are always welcome upon previous agreement.
We are glad and honored to offer our products, and above all, services and expertise to our fellow pipe smokers online.
Who's Who at Synjeco
Daniel Schneider

Agnieszka Schneider

What makes this site special
As pipe smokers, we have strived to offer you features that we have often wished to have in other pipe and tobacco sites. The following are some of these features:
- Every single staff member is a confirmed, and devoted, pipe smoker. Our focal point is to help you find a quality product at a reasonable price and with pre- and after-purchase support.
- Every single pipe, pipe tobacco, and smoking accessory on this site has been chosen individually by the staff.
- Among the pipe brands offered on sale here are: Strambach (largest choice online), Mastro De Paja, Don Carlos, Moretti, Bjarne, Brebbia, Butz Choquin, Genod, Courrieu, Turkish Meerschaum, etc.
- We offer you insights into the pipe making world, thanks to our personal contact with some of the world's leading pipe makers.
- You can choose from a selection of more than 75 bulk/loose tobaccos and more than 100 tinned tobaccos, made by some of the world's finest blenders.
- We offer a tobacco for every taste: English with Latakia, Modern English Blends (with Black Cavendish and/or Burley), Pressed Virginias (flakes, 6-inch flakes, slices, twists, and plugs), Flavored/Scented (Aromatic) tobaccos, all based on 100% natural flavorings.
- You are shown a photo of each single tobacco. We believe that tobaccos can be (and are) in the first place enjoyed by the eyes.
- The ingredient tobaccos are mentioned in straightforward terms, whenever possible, and also a comment is provided, based on our own personal experience of smoking the tobacco.
- For those who prefer short cuts, we offer a Pipe Gallery per each pipe brand. If you opt for the "Pipe Gallery", you'll be shown a page that contains thumbnails of all the pipes available within that particular brand.
- A minimum of two photos are provided per each pipe (sometimes, up to 5 photos): You can see BOTH sides of the pipe. One photo has a background in square inches, while the other in square centimeters.
- The weight of each pipe is given in both ounces and grams.
- Articles that Tarek has written, based on his first-hand knowledge of the Italian pipe making scene, in particular, are also made available on our "Insights" page.
- A FAQ section offers answers to questions often raised by both novice as well as expert pipe smokers.
In short, we guarantee you fast and competent correspondence and service. Being pipe smokers ourselves, we understand quite
a bit about pipes, tobaccos, pipe smoking and of course, pipe smokers.
We just hope you let us prove it!!